ACReSAL Project Begins Hybrid Implementation Support Mission
The World Bank team has commenced hybrid implementation support mission for the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) Project.
The two weeks program started today with hybrid (Virtual) sessions having all participating states and project stakeholders actively connected. In the week of 22nd May 2023, there will be physical visit to authorizing environment in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, as well as field trip to Bauchi State.
In his opening remarks, the National Project Coordinator of the ACReSAL project, Mr. Abdulhamid Umar, stated that the mission objectives essentially focused on review of implementation efforts, success stories and resolving bottlenecks.
According to him, the mission will from 15th to 19th May, 2023 engage in virtual meetings and the second phase as planned will involve visit to Bauchi state. He noted that the field visit has a long activity of visiting the governor of Bauchi state who is so passionate about the ACReSAL project, to engagement of communities and some community interest groups (CIG) that are involved in the ACReSAL project Implementation.
“The major highpoint of the visit to Bauchi state is the visit to Yankari Game Reserve which centers on ecosystem restoration” the NPC Said.
He also noted that the mission will engage with development Partners such as Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for support on landscapes restoration.
Dr. Joy Iganya Agene, Task Team Leader (TTL) of the ACReSAL project and Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank, in her remarks stated that the purpose of the mission which takes place every six months is to assess what the project has done in within the period, discuss some of the progress achieved and provide support.
Speaking further, she noted that the mission will specifically look at disbursement readiness as well as Fiduciary issues and Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) aspects of the project. She stated that the virtual session is to ensure that everyone involved in the project implementation participate in the mission and are acquainted with project activities.
She disclosed that the mission will have a deep dive on technical aspects for all project components (across environment and natural resources, water resources, and agriculture) with a special focus on foundational activities (e.g., strategic catchment planning, Funds flow, early procurement, MoU development, etc.).
Presenting the project key milestones, Engr. Chinedu Umolu, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank and Co TTL ACReSAL Project highlighted that the ACReSAL project has met all legal and disbursement requirements while noting that disbursement must link to results. He reported that large number of ToRs have been cleared, stakeholders’ awareness and sensitizations have taken place in and across the project communities (Over 400, 000) sensitized on the project which is improving community ownership, buy-in, enhancing social cohesion, peace building and better management of natural resources.
Engr. Umolu revealed that a large number of beneficiaries have been recorded out of the 3.4m targeted direct beneficiaries by the project and land restoration activities have commenced in earnest across states.
At the front burner of discussions today are: peace building, strategy for community buy-in, Project Results framework, Farmer Led Irrigation Development (FLID), climate change, etc.
The virtual session was actively attended by the World Bank Team, Federal Project Management Unit (FPMU), lead implementation Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs), 19 Northern states and FCT etc.
The mission will be led by Dr. Joy Iganya Agene, Task Team Leader (TTL), Engr. Chinedu Umolu, CO TTL, Manivel Sene, Co TTL of the ACReSAL Project from the World Bank and Mr. Abdulhamid Umar, National Project Coordinator (NPC), representing Federal Government of Nigeria.