What is the governing structure or Institutional arrangements of the ACReSAL Project at the Federal and state levels?
September 6, 2024
The Federal Steering Committee (FSC) and Federal Technical Committee (FTC) provide overall policy and technical guidance respectively. The FSC is chaired by the Minister of Environment, co-chaired by the Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development and Water Resources, while the FTC is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of Environment with representations of Directors from Agric, Water Resources and other relevant MDAs
The Federal Project Management Unit (FPMU) is responsible for the overall supervisory activities of the Project and is headed by the National Project Coordinator with support from MDAs.
A State Steering Committee (SSC) and State Technical Committee (STC) also provide overall policy and technical guidance respectively. The SSC is chaired by State Commissioners for Environment, co-chaired by the commissioners of Agriculture and Water Resources, and includes Permanent Secretaries of Finance, Works, Women Affairs and other sector representatives. The STC is chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Environment and includes relevant Directors of Agriculture, Water and other sector representatives.
A State Project Management Unit (SPMU) is responsible for the overall supervisory activities of the Project at the State level. The SPMU is headed by the State Project Coordinator
At the community level, a Local Government Project Management Committee (LGPMC) chaired by the Director Personnel Management (DPM), supports inclusive participation and promotes local ownership of project activities