
His Excellency, Ahmad Aliyu

About Sokoto

Sokoto State is located in the Northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria and is bounded by Niger Republic to the North, Zamfara State to the East and South-East, Kebbi State to the West and South-West. With an area of 25,973 square kilometers, the State is located on latitude 13°05’N and longitude 05°15’E. The state is named after the defunct Sokoto Caliphate. Although the state is well known especially for coal mining, a very large percentage of its inhabitants’ practice one form of agriculture or the other. Common cash crops include millet, guinea corn, maize, onions, groundnut, potatoes, cowpeas, rice, etc.

Specific Environmental Challenges in Sokoto State That Link to ACReSAL PDO.

The specific environmental challenges in Sokoto state are as follows: 1. Land degradation 2. Deforestation 3. Desertification 4. Depletion of water resources 5. Low agricultural yields 6. Siltation of water bodies 7. Flood