
World Bank holds ESF training for ACReSAL Team

April 30, 2023

Cross session of participants during the ESF Workshop

A 4-day capacity building workshop was organized by the World Bank for ACReSAL Project Coordinators, Environmental and Social Safeguards Officers on Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) in Abuja held at Reiz Continental Hotel.

Considering the risk and complexity of the ACReSAL Project, regular training of project officials has become very imperative to strengthen the capacity of the workforce and ensure that the ACReSAL Project Development Objective (PDO) is successfully achieved.


The need for the just concluded ESF Training was on how to address potential Environmental and Social (E&S) risks during project implementation, such as Labor Management Procedure (LMP) includes aspects related to working conditions, employment, occupational health and safety (OHS), Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), Gender Based Violence, security management plan etc.

Highlights of the exercise was the issuance of ESF Certificates to participants.